What Is Web Attack and How Does It Affect Your Business?


In the past decade, millions have used the Web to communicate and conduct business with their customers. This includes the use of web-based software that collect and store data such as customer data submitted through content management systems, shopping carts, inquiry or submit forms, and login fields.

They are usually accessed via the Internet and can be hacked in order to exploit weaknesses within the application or supporting infrastructure. SQL injection attacks, which exploit weaknesses in databases, can compromise databases that contain sensitive data. Attackers can also exploit a foothold gained by breaching an Web application to identify and gain access to other, more vulnerable systems on your network.

Other popular Web attack types include Cross Site Scripting attacks (XSS), which exploit vulnerabilities in the web server to inject malicious code into web pages, it executes as a virus-infected script within the victim’s browser. This allows attackers to gain access to private information or redirect users to phishing websites. Web forums, message boards and blogs are particularly susceptible to XSS attacks.

Distributed attacks on service (DDoS) involve hackers joining together to bombard a website with more requests than it can field. This could cause the site to slow down or even stop functioning altogether that compromises its ability to handle requests and render it inaccessible for all users. This is why DDoS attacks are particularly devastating for small businesses that depend on their websites for operations for their business, such as local bakeries or restaurants.

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